Formula of ratio analysis - Banking Diploma Education

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Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Formula of ratio analysis


  1. CURRENT RATIO=Current Asset/Current Liabilities
  2. Acid test ratio/ Quick test ratio =(Current Asset-Inventory-Prepaid Expenses)/Current Liabilities
  3. Current cash debt coverage ratio= Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities/Average Current Liabilities

  1. Receivable turnover
Or Debtor turnover=Net Credit Sale/Average Net Receivable
  1. Inventory turnover= Cost of Goods sold/Average Inventory

  1. Profit margin / Profit margin on sale= (Net Income/Net Sales) %
  2. Cash return on sale=Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities/Net Sales
  3. Asset turnover = Net Sales/Average Asset
  4. Return on asset=Net Income/Average Asser
  5. Return on common stockholder’s equity= Net Income/Average Common Stock Holders Equity
  6. Earning per share (EPS) = (Net Income – Preferred Dividend) /Weighted Average Common Shares Outstanding
  7. Price earning ratio= Market Price per Share of Stock/Earning per Share
  8. Payout Ratio=Cash Dividend/Net Income

  1. Debt to total Asset ratio= Total Debt/Total Asset
  2. Cash debt coverage ratio= Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities/Average total Liabilities
  1. Debt-Equity Ratio= Total Liabilities/Equity
  2. Gross profit ratio= Gross Profit/Net Sales (Gross profit= Sales- Sales Return- Cost of goods sold)
  3. Net profit ratio = Net Profit/Net Sales

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