4(a): E-Government refers to government's use of information technology to exchange information and services with citizens, businesses, and other arms of government. E-Government may be applied by the legislature, judiciary, or administration, in ...
Accounting for Financial Services Question (AFS), July 2018
eKnowledgeFeb 17, 2019The Institute of Bankers, Bangladesh (IBB)Banking Diploma Examination, July 2018JAIBBAccounting for Financial Services Question (AFS), July 2018 Accounting for Financial Services Question (AFS), July 2018 (JAIBB) JAIBB Ques...
Laws and Practice of Banking Question July 2018
eKnowledgeFeb 16, 2019The Institute of Bankers, Bangladesh Banking Diploma Examination, July 2018 JAIBB Laws and Practice of Banking Question July 2018
Organization and Management Question (OM), July 2018
eKnowledgeFeb 16, 2019The Institute of Bankers, Bangladesh Banking Diploma Examination, July 2018 JAIBBOrganization and Management Question (OM), July 2018
93rd 2022 2. (a) Give a comparative discussion on decimal and hexadecimal number systems. What stands for ASCII, BCD and EBCDIC codes? 2. (b) Convert the following numbers (i) (846) decimal to hexadecimal (ii) (7C.B4) hexadecimal to octal (iii) (735) octal to binary.
eKnowledgeMar 22, 20222 (a): The decimal numeral system has ten as its base. It is the numerical base most widely used by modern civilizations.Decimal=base ten. Every digit...
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Wednesday, March 23, 2022
93rd 2022 3. (a) Describe the factors that affecting processing speed of computers (7M). What are the main features of laptop computers (3)? 3. (b) Describe the differences between mini computer and mainframe computer (8). How to overcome computer virus attack (2)?
3(a): Following are some important factors that affect the processing speed of a computer:RegistersRAMSystem ClockBusesCache MemoryCore CountRegistersThe first factor that affects the processing speed of a computer is a register. A register is a s...
Tuesday, March 22, 2022
93rd 2022 2. (a) Give a comparative discussion on decimal and hexadecimal number systems. What stands for ASCII, BCD and EBCDIC codes? 2. (b) Convert the following numbers (i) (846) decimal to hexadecimal (ii) (7C.B4) hexadecimal to octal (iii) (735) octal to binary.
2 (a): The decimal numeral system has ten as its base. It is the numerical base most widely used by modern civilizations.Decimal=base ten. Every digit is a 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.The hexadecimal number system contains 16 unique numerals. Sin...
93rd 2022 1. (a) Discuss the main features of different generations of computers. What is parity bit? 1. (b) Discuss the impacts of computer in banking and education sectors.
1 (a): The main features of different generations of computers: The computer has evolved from a large-sized simple calculating machine to a smaller but much more powerful machine. Each generation of computer is designed based on a new technologica...
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What is Forensic accounting? Is it (Forensic accounting) apply to Bangladesh?
eKnowledgeFeb 28, 2015৫। Forensic হিসাববিজ্ঞান কী? এই হিসাববিজ্ঞান কি বাংলাদেশে প্রয়োগ করা যায়? Forensic হিসাববিজ্ঞানঃ হ...
Definition of functional and operational accounting
eKnowledgeFeb 28, 2015৪। হিসাববিজ্ঞান এর ক্রিয়ামূলক এবং পরিচালনামূলক সংজ্ঞা দিন। হিসাববিজ্ঞানের ক্রিয়ামূলক (F...
How to control and maintenance an institution by accounting
eKnowledgeFeb 28, 2015৩। হিসাববিজ্ঞান কীভাবে প্রতিষ্ঠানের নিয়ন্ত্রণ এবং পরিচালনায় সাহায্য করে? একটি প্রতিষ্ঠানের নিয়ন্...
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