Prepare a feasibility report on any industry seeking bank loan of Taka one crore - Banking Diploma Education


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Monday, December 2, 2013

Prepare a feasibility report on any industry seeking bank loan of Taka one crore

Q. Prepare a feasibility report on any industry seeking bank loan of Taka one crore.

Dhaka Bank
Agrabad Branch
Chittagong 7020
Phone: 975 2319 Fax: 975 2320 Email:

Our Ref: Feasibility/Rahim Glass/03/09
Saturday, May 09, 2009

Feasibility on Rahim Glass seeking working capital of Taka one crore

Rahim Glass is the oldest factory in Chittagong manufacturing different kinds of glasses for the last 34 years. They have been maintaining a current account with us for the last three years though their main bank is Sonali Bank wherefrom they had availed of a project loan of Taka 25 crore about five years back.

Their project loan with Sonali Bank is going to be adjusted within this year. For our good relationship with Rahim Glass they have sought Taka One crore as working capital for a new factory they have recently set up to manufacture bottles for pharmaceutical companies.

The yearly turnover of the group of their industries is more than Taka 200 crore and they have

never defaulted with any bank. Besides machinery, which would be hypothecated by us, they would offer additional collateral security worth Taka 5 crore to cover the loan for their proposed working capital.

Considering their business background and reputation, the undersigned highly recommends for sanctioning Taka one crore for Rahim Glass as short-term renewable working capita loan in the form of Cash Credit.

For his kind approval, please.

Maswood Alam Khan
Vice President and Manager
The General Manager
Operation Wing
Dhaka Bank
Head Office
Motijheel, Dhaka 1000

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