As a manager of your bank, write a letter to the proper authority requesting him to take proper step to introduce computer system in your bank to expedite the banking works - Banking Diploma Education


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Sunday, December 1, 2013

As a manager of your bank, write a letter to the proper authority requesting him to take proper step to introduce computer system in your bank to expedite the banking works

Q. As a manager of your bank, write a letter to the proper authority requesting him to take proper step to introduce computer system in your bank to expedite the banking works.

Rupali Bank
Srinagar Branch
Telephone: 0752-232451 Fax: 0752-232451

Our Ref: Suggestion/Comp/13/09
Monday, May 18, 2009

The General Manager
Administration Division
Rupali Bank, Head Office,
Dhaka 1000


Dear Sir,

With due respect to your esteemed authority we like to inform you that our Srinagar Branch had earned a net profit of only Taka 2 crore in the last year ending 31 December 2008 though the branch has the potential to make much more profits. This branch is commercially a very important branch for its strategic location.

Almost all the branches of all other commercial banks in Srinagar are doing better business compared to ours and their employees leave their branches at 5 PM after balancing all books of accounts; after office hours the bank employees of those banks visit different shops and trade houses to interact with businessmen for deposit hunting and for recovery of overdue loans. On the other hand all the employees of our Branch have to remain in the office everyday till 7 in the evening to complete their daily works.

The secret behind the success stories of other banks is computerization. All the bank branches in Srinagar, except our branch, are fully computerized. As a result the efficiency of those branches has increased manifold.

We appeal to your esteemed authority to take necessary steps to introduce computerized banking operation in our branch as soon as possible.

Thank you.

Zubair Manhood

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