What is Management by Objective (May'12, May’13)? - Banking Diploma Education


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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

What is Management by Objective (May'12, May’13)?

Q. What is Management by Objective (May'12, May’13)?
Management by Objective: Management by Objectives is a process whereby superior and subordinate managers of an Organization jointly define its common goals, define each individual's major areas of responsibility in terms Of results expected of him and use these measures as guides for operating the unit and assessing the contribution of each of its members.

The process of setting objectives in the organization to give a sense of direction to the employees is called as Management by Objectives.

It refers to the process of setting goals for the employees so that they know what they are supposed to do at the workplace.

Management by Objectives defines roles and responsibilities for the employees and helps them chalk out their future course of action in the organization.

Management by objectives guides the employees to deliver their level best and achieve the targets within the stipulated time frame.

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